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Re: Skip counting songs

Hi Lisa,

I personally don't recommend buying them.

The songs our program uses can be downloaded for free at Songs

None of them teach skip counting.

Personally, I don't like teaching information that needs to be filed in a different part of the brain as a song. A good example is the Alphabet Song. How many of us have to sing that song to find out what letter comes after Q? That is because the order of the alphabet is stored in our music part of the brain.

When it comes to recalling math facts, having that information stored as a song will hinder their recall. Instead, they should be experiencing math using the strategic part of their brain, so when they need to recall it in a logical/strategic way it will be filed in the correct place. This is where playing the games is very helpful, as it helps store it in the correct part of the brain.

RS only has three songs and they are for the younger ages, and it is more for fun and to help memorize a some simple concepts, then it is for understanding. Remember math should be 95% understood and 5% memorized...the songs are part of the 5%.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics