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Re: My son is having trouble with the abacus.

Could you drop the abacus and just use dots or tally sticks or something else that symbolizes the same thing as the abacus? Maybe 5 yellow dinosaurs and 5 blue dinosaurs, etc. Maybe do this for a while and show him the connection between dinosaurs and the abacus. Or you could make a life size abacus on the floor with pieces of yarn and either matching toy pieces (match the color of the toy to the abacus) or 2 different colored super balls to be more interactive with it. The he can get up, walk around the huge abacus on the floor and move the pieces that way. Maybe that would make the abacus fun? And slowly add in the smaller real abacus after a while.

Re: My son is having trouble with the abacus.

Hello Susan,

It is true that not all children like the abacus. The good news for those children is that once they learn the concept and can do it mentally, or can explain how they are doing it, they can then stop using the abacus until a new concept is taught. The higher the level the less they will use it.

I would want to know if he does not care for the abacus because it takes too long and he already understands it or is it that he doesn’t fully grasp the abacus idea and bringing it out shows his lack of understanding?

I have one child who hated bringing it out in Level B, but by Level C we learned that she thought that using the abacus was cheating and proved she wasn’t smart, even though I constantly told her that the abacus was a learning tool like using the colored tiles. But for some reason her brain wouldn’t believe us. Now almost done with Level C she will bring it out on her own when she needs it, but we had to get through the problem time, so I know all about “walls” took us SIX weeks to get through Lesson 30-34 in Level B. We are doing SO much better in Level C, mostly because she is maturing and I figured out her learning style, at least that is what I think. Who knows what will happen in Level D…[:)]

I would recommend that you experiment a few different ways of teaching him, or ask him what he likes about the abacus and what he doesn’t like about it, and why. You may want to call our customer service line (888-272-3291) to better brainstorm how to get through this time, because usually there is more than “the child just doesn’t like it.”

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics