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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Re: Old Main

Hello Jana,

The amount of cards each player has should have about ten cards. There will be an uneven number s of cards one player is holding due to the fact one card has been removed from the deck...that is the "Old Main."

This game plays just like the game "Old Maid" where all the cards are alternately handed out to each player until there are no more cards to hand out.

Then each player looks through their won stack of cards and discards all the pairs that equal 10.

Then after that the first player takes a card (without looking at the contents of the cards) from the player on the left of them. then the check for a possible match. Then the next player goes and repeats the same as above.

So to clarify…
For each player that is going to play the games you need to have 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9. That totals 10 cards per player that plays. So if you have two players you should have 20 cards.
If you have 4 players you should have 40 cards.
You will shuffle the cards and then remove on card without looking at it and then proceed to deal out the cards.

If you have two players; one person will have 10 cards and the other will have 9, because of the missing "Old Main" card.
If you have four players: three people will have 10 cards and one person will have 9 cards.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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