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Re: getting through the book


I am also using RS, level A, with my 5 year old dd. We began the program late October/early March. We just did the 1st half of lesson 33. Personally, I do get rattled sometimes that things should be progressing a little faster but I do rest with knowing that she's really learning concepts concretely and is able to carry them over to other areas in life unrelated to RS. That, to me, speaks volumes. I can only speak for myself when I say, "slow and steady". I am prepared to use it well into the next school year, if need be. It will be very tempting to want to hurry a child through this program but it really is a matter of acquiring a good/great level of understanding. My dd5 is in a Pre-K 1/2 day program right and she won't officially be in K until next year so I'm not so concerned with finishing this level before September. I also homeschool in the summer and therefore am confident that we will finish before then anyway.

I also have dd8 (3rd grade) who has been doing RSB since the beginning of 2nd grade. We will be done within the next few weeks. There were many, many concepts in B that she did not know or had mastered.

HTH! All the best.

Re: getting through the book

I have a wiggly 6yo K student (boy) who is only doing about one lesson a week, so there is no way he will finish level A this year. It is better to build a good foundation than worry about finishing in a specific set time.

Plus on the schedule RS is on right now you actually start Algebra in 7th, which is a year earlier than many other program do, so you have wiggle room.

Heather hsing:
dd 11 doing level D
dd 9 doing level C
dd 8 doing level B
ds 6 doing level A

Re: getting through the book

Hello Betsy,

If you are teaching math consistently, doing the games, and he/she is understanding, then you have nothing to worry about.

Level A is only 77 lessons, and you are almost half way through the book.

I agree with the others who wrote, take your time, because understanding is more important than rushing through, just so you can say you taught it.

You may not finish Level A this year, but finish it next year (or over the summer) and proceed with Level B, most moms find they can skip the first 23 lessons.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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