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Level C multiplication

We're on lesson 104 in Level C and when my 7.5 yr old daughter is doing the equations, she is counting by multiples to get the answer - is this correct? I'm not clear on whether this is the correct way, or if she should be looking for patterns (ie, 7x7 is 7x5, then add 14).


Re: Level C multiplication

Hello Primerose,

I would not be too concerned that she is still skip counting, though I would point out the other ways she could have solved it-like the example you gave.

She just needs more time and more experience with the multiples (by experience, I don’t mean more worksheets, I mean more games.:)) . She will have more time throughout the rest of Level C and most of Level D, which is where I found both of my older kids seemed to finally grasp the majority of their multiples, including the patterns. So keep showing her different ways to solve it (patterns), and let time, and experience do the rest.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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