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Level B Addtion Games

We are in Level B at Lesson 68 and my 6 yr old daughter is having a hard time remembering and using the different strategies - meaning the 2 Fives and the 9's trick. She also has a difficult time adding 10 to a number. We obviously need to stop and hang out here for awhile. Which games would be helpful to play besides the Corners Game? Are there any other games that help with adding in the higher decades? That's where it gets tricky for her. She seems to know her basic addition facts pretty well.

Re: Level B Addtion Games

Hello Eileen,

Keep Go to the Dump and Old Main in your list of games and just add more cards if it starts to go too fast. Also do the variations of them with 9 or 11 as the number they are equaling.

Other games you should do is,
Addition War
Short Chain Solitaire
Long Chain Solitaire
Addition Array
Rows and Columns
Doubles Memory
Near Doubles

I would also make sure to do money games as it forces the concept of place value.

There are good games like,
Money war
Who Has the Most Money?
Make 16cents
Make 27 cents
Make 51cents
Make 75 cents
Race to the amount
Change from 50cents
Change from 50cents solitaire

With each of these games you should regularly be pointing out the strategies you are using for your play, and asking what strategies she is using, or which strategies could be using.

The games are extremely important to the success for this program. As you can see we do not rely on the rote memory of the child so they can do endless worksheets, instead we teach them how to understand math and how to use it through the lessons and the games. They absolutely go together.

You should be working for 2-4 times week of doing games.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics