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supplementing Level E The Geometric Approach

I have used RS Math since Level B with my 11 yr old. It has never been easy for her, but I believe the challenge to think through the math concepts has helped her. Now, on Level E, I'd like to supplement with some other math program and then take 2 years to complete Level E. She is still requiring lots of help so I think it will be 1 1/2 more years before she's ready for algebra. Meanwhile, I want to review and reinforce basic math and give her some confidence. Any suggestions? thanks, Julie

Re: supplementing Level E The Geometric Approach

Hello Julie,

Did you mean that you will complete Level E and then do the Geo App. for two years while supplementing?

If that is the case, I think that sounds fine.

If you child struggles, make sure you are keeping the time limited to 30 min and that you are playing plenty of games, some that challenge her and many that are easy for her. Try to fit it in 2-4x’s a week.

Make sure that place value is established, and doing money games (like having her count back change) is the best way to find if she understands place value. If she struggles there then I suggest you play much more money games, and that you revisit the place value concept. If you find she is forgetting, then chances are she needs to do more talking, or do more visualizing.

If you find she likes games, try to focus more in that direction. You may find that she finds safety in worksheets ,but that wouldn’t help her in higher math so I don’t recommend giving in to that part, instead redirect it towards lining or consumer math, Simply Charlotte Mason .com has an interesting math series, it is not a math curriculum, but rather a supplement called, “Your Business Math Series.” It has the child learn about being a business owner. You may want to look into that as a supplement, and she can do most of it on her own. This will allow her more time to build on her skills. But really she probably needs more time doing the games. She needs to have critical thinking skills if she is to do well in algebra.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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