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Level C, lesson 71

Okay, I don't know if I am too tired today , but the thing about building hexagons on the bottom of page 145 for lesson 71 (level C), baffles me.
I think that I *may* have figured it out (because my dd, recently did what I think is a similar thing at the end of Level A).

The instructions say to build two hexagons, and then there is a picture of the two hexagons (one has a triangle inside of it, and the other is divided into 8ths) -- I don't really understand what
they are supposed to do differently -- can someone help me out?

Also, what is the reasoning behind building the hexagons?


Re: Level C, lesson 71

Hello Lisa,

The triangles you create on worksheet 44 is the basis of the hexagon. You are to have two triangles of each triangle, for a total of four triangles.
For example the first triangle where all the lines go from the center out to the points/tip of the triangle. You will have two of those and then you will leave one whole and cut the other one along the thirds. Then you will with those cut thirds, and the whole triangle she will create a hexagon. She will do the same with the second triangle that goes form the center to the line/side of the triangles and cut all the thirds (for a total of six pieces) and create a hexagon with those triangles.

The why to do it, is to expand their critical thinking skills, to see the relationship of different shapes, and to experience the use of fractions.

If this was not clear enough let me know, I feel that this is explained better if it were more visual, so I hope I have explained it well.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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