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Re: Addition questions with the hundreds chart for patterned answers

That was a great answer, Carissa, thank you.

Meredith does do REALLY well at talking her answers through - where Caroline, my older girl, can't tell you, most of the time, how she reaches her answers. Meredith likes to sing-song her way through the process, one step at a time. I'll work with that, and stop worrying about the "crutch" of the abacus. Why do I need to hear that over, and over and over again?? But I did need, again, and I appreciate it.

Re: Re: Addition questions with the hundreds chart for patterned answers

You are welcome!

We need to hear it over and over again, because we have never seen this done first hand; and compared to the way most of us were raised, this is so different, we can't believe that there is another method that produces good results; thus we are in a constant pull to fall back on our training, which was our childhood example-"push the child-push the child, make the child conform."

As the years go by and we get more comfortable with the path we have chosen and it gets easier. Then you find that you are on territory most have never tread (home school high school), and it will be overwhelming at times, but cling to the stories of success and you will get through just like others have before you. The key is to have patience, love and joy. those three will win your children hearts and you will all do well. and remember they don’t call it a labor of love because it is easy and peaceful.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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