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Re: Re: Re: What is after Geometry?

Hello Aisha,

I don't know of any that I would recommend.
You may want to check out Borders or and search under algebra, or algebra visual, and see if anything interests you.

They have a Trig. and Pre-cal. I am looking into at this time that looks helpful.

I know some people like Teaching Textbooks, but the truth is that most of the programs are turning out the same type of algebra students that the public schools are turning out. And one dean of a junior college told me that the vast majority of the students coming from high school are at least two years behind in math.

So VT may seem expensive on the outset, I would weight the cost in the long run. I am personally using VT and have found it beneficial.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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Re: Re: What is after Geometry?

I'm sorry I never replied sooner, I had trouble logging in later, and then I forgot about it.

Thank you so much for the information