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Level E Lesson 9 Alignment Problem

We're working on lesson 9, equivalent fractions. The worksheet has them using the "precision of the drawing tools" to measure and label fractions on a number line.

The problem we're having is that the number lines don't align perfectly (with "precision") with the fraction chart above it. He marked the first line as 1/9 while I was observing and helping him, and I agreed. Then then next one was unclear if it was supposed to be 2/9 or 1/4... so I looked at the answers in the lesson book and saw the first one was actually supposed to be 1/8.

Investigating the number line more closely, I found that the '1' point didn't *quite* line up with the fraction chart. Even the '0' point was slightly off. He was able to then successfully complete the question by taking the point on the chart that was slightly to the right of the line, rather than lined up perfectly (with "precision") with it.

The page was lined up on the drawing board perfectly, I checked and re-adjusted it.

The date on the inside cover is May 2008.

While I'm at it...

Page 14 in the Lesson book, lesson 17, the warmup says to write multiples "in two rows on and ask for various..." From looking at later lessons, it seems the "on" is extra.

Also, I feel there should be some coverage of fractions in the transitions book. My son has done fractions before but is weak in some areas of comprehension with them (as was made painfully obvious when we started this lesson). This first fraction lesson is a "review" of the fractions chart, and he actually has not used this type of chart before. So when the questions asked of him were "what does this show", rather than saying "two fraction charts" he just didn't know.

We pretty much had to start over again with how fractions work and what the fraction chart means. Which is fine, he obviously needs to learn this. But I was hoping this series would cover a better INTRODUCTION to fractions (like it introduces other, more basic concepts in the transitions book) than this. It's just jumping straight in with the assumption that the child already understands a good amount about fractions -- mixed fractions and improper fractions, with no clear explanations, just an assumption they can figure it out easily.

I'm sure many kids entering level E do have this already, but many also already know how to do single-digit (long) multiplication and that is extensively practiced in the transitions.

I've mentioned already that it seems strange that there are only 2 extra lessons from level D to level E in transitions... it seems that fractions is one of the "missing" pieces!

We will do some of the fractions games and it looks like there's lots of fractions practice coming up so I'm sure we'll be fine, but I do think there's a 'missing piece' in the transitions not even touching fractions. It is conceivable for a kid transferring into level E to not have any fractions background -- rare but conceivable -- and entirely possible for a kid to transfer in who has a very POOR previous experience with fractions who would greatly benefit from the RightStart way of introducing fractions before jumping in full-force like this.

Re: Level E Lesson 9 Alignment Problem

Dear Heather,

You are correct; the lines don't line up on Worksheet 11 for some unknown reason. It has been corrected and is posted on the Corrections web page. We also eliminated the extra word in Lesson 7. Thanks so much for pointing these out. Finally, we will take a good look at including some fraction work in the Transition Lessons. In the meantime, I suggest you play the first few fraction games in the Math Card Games book.

Let me know if I can be of further help,

Joan A. Cotter, Ph.D.