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Re: Re: RSB-Lesson 71 Question


Thank you for your thorough response!! I thought about the near ten (or making eleven is what I wrote in my notes) but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.

I am so grateful to have this resource whenever I have a question of problem!!

Have a great day!


Re: Re: RSB-Lesson 71 Question

I don't even remember anything being called "the near ten strategy"! I feel like some of these lessons ask the kids to come up with the answer and explain it to me without giving me the background to help them out if they stumble. We just hit Lesson 76, and if we had practiced this "near ten strategy" this lesson wouldn't have been so absolutely foreign! Where is the near ten strategy in the book? I thought you had to make it a two-fives by giving one to the 4 from the seven, which is too many steps. I'm so confused!

Re: Re: RSB-Lesson 71 Question


Thank you for your message, I apologize for the delay in responding as I think I need to ask for your guidance!

I spoke with Dr. Cotter and looked at RSB Lesson 76 and am not seeing anything with "the near ten strategy" in that lesson, could you please guide me to where you read that in the lesson? We are not showing that the term "near ten strategy" occurs in Level B.

As far as the two 5's strategy, that is done in RSB Lesson 66, which can be explained as: This strategy for a sum, such as 6 + 7 involves seeing 6 as 5 + 1 and 7 as 5 + 2. The two fives make 10; the 1 and 2 make 3; thus, the answer is 10 + 3 = 13. There is trading quantities involved.

I hope this makes the two 5's strategy more clear, but please let me know where in Lesson 76 we were discussing the "near ten strategy" so we can clear up any confusion!

I look forward to hearing from you! Make it a great day!
