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Re: Level B Lesson 71 - my daughter's problem-solving.

Hello Storybookmum,

I agree that is a slow way of doing it, but she is doing it. Not only that, but she is also problem solving. Though she is using a slower method, she will continue to develop more problem solving strategies with the more games and word problems you give her.

The best tip I would give you is that after you have praise her for solving the problem on her own, tell her how you would solve, how the book suggests to solve it and how Daddy would solve it. This will give her mind a chance to see other ways to do it. You and her should do the same problem using each different way of solving it. But I would make it very clear that I was not saying her way was wrong, but that there are many ways to solve it.

After you tried the different ways ask her which one made the most sense, and which one was the quickest. And you can tell her which ones you thought were the quickest and easiest ones. Sometimes a good discussion about the different ways will help a child to see that they can try a new way, as some children resist change and thus stick to slow methods of problem solving.

I recall with this particular problem I had to draw the 19 people with the shoes on. And we discussed how many people there were (19). I asked how many heads there were (19). then I asked how many Right hands are there. (19), Then I asked how many Left hands are there (19), then I asked how many right and left hand are there. My first-born got this right away, but my third one… well, I had do some leading on this one.
So I told her that to remember that there were 19 R hand AND 19 L hands so what are they all together, as I circle all the hands on the board (38) Then we moved back to the shoe problem. Then I added more people coming in the restaurant until she was getting it.

I would not let a problem like this go on until she understood it that day, instead I would limit the time I spend on it and pick up on the subject the following days. This will give her mind time to process and develop the needed time, and experience, with the new method of problem solving.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics

Re: Level B Lesson 71 - my daughter's problem-solving.

Carissa, drawing the people is a GREAT idea - time-consuming, but the way you broke it down is terrific.

Thanks for sharing that approach.

Re: Level B Lesson 71 - my daughter's problem-solving.

I agree it is time consuming, but I just recite my motto all day long..."You only get out of it what you put in to it" and then I gather the strength to continue.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics