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Missing weights?

Hi there! My order just arrived yesterday of the level E starter set and the E to G upgrade, plus I got many of the 'extras' that are "recommended" but not "required" for level E.

One of these 'extras' is the balance. This is just SO COOL, as I knew it would be. DS has already on his own taken to just exploring, putting some weights on at random and trying to make it balance just by moving them around. My daughter who is not yet even 2 also has fun just hanging weights on it, kept her occupied for nearly half an hour -- though I'm sure she's not thinking about the 'balance' issue too much yet, she will over time notice how it tips up and down etc.

ANYWAY, I do have a little issue... we're supposed to balance the scale before using it by adjusting the little "white weights" on the underside of the yellow arms, right? Well, mine doesn't have any. And it is slightly unbalanced. I think we can balance it with some makeshift weights to stick on, but I'm wondering if this is a manufacturer's defect or if I'm missing something really obvious heh.

Also, I think it's worth mentioning the size of it in your catalogue... it's MUCH larger than I expected. That's not a big problem, it's just that we weren't prepared with a good place to put it, since we were expecting something smaller!

Re: Missing weights?

Dear Heather,
Oops. Sorry about those missing counter-weights. I will forward this to customer service and they will send them to you via the mail. It is probably a manufacturing problem as they come to us sealed from the factory, but we recycle everything so I am quite sure we have kept a few from broken or damaged scales that were sent back. You should have them within a couple weeks at the most.

Thanks for your great comments.

Re: Re: Missing weights?

Just wanted to update that we received the weights and everything's hunky-dory now. I was, admittedly, relieved that they were completely 'strange' to me, I didn't end up saying "oh THAT's the weights, well we had those all along" lol... Those were definitely missing from our balance.

My SIL has the balance as well and apparently hers came with the weights no problem, so it seems to be a one-time chance manufacturer's error. She even just got hers quite recently as well so they might even have been from the same batch. Thanks so much for your speedy and friendly 'patch job'! :)