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entering an array on the abacus


For reference, we are on Lesson 54, Book C.

When entering an array on the abacus, the book has been stating to just show the abacus briefly (flash it for about 3 seconds). The child is then to state the equation and the answer.

Is my child supposed to be able to "see" the answereasily somehow? Or use some sort of a strategy to get the answer? Or is he just supposed to rely upon memory from using the SKIP COUNTING MEMORY envelopes (multipication table)?

Since we just picked up from a break, I'm wondering if I'm forgetting something that this is building on from prior lessons.

Thank you for your help,

Re: entering an array on the abacus

Dear Lori,
If you are just picking up on this again after not using it for a while, I would recommend that you review the multiplication games first before trying to have your child just see the arrays. Use the Multiplication Memory Game, Who's On Top, and Skip Counting Memory to refresh your child on the basic patterns first.

When you do get back to this lesson, the idea is that a child can see the numbers without counting them based on the color change after five. So a 7 should be obvious that it is all five beads plus two more on each line. The child isn't supposed to actually count them but see the pattern of the fives and twos and figure out the answer mentally.

Hope that helps.

Re: Re: entering an array on the abacus

He can "see" the equation with no problem (7 x 7), but not the answer. It is difficult to see 49 if there are 7 rows of 7 beads each. After seeing the array, is he just supposed to "know" the answer at this point (he's 7) based upon his memorization of the multipication tables (skip counting memory, multipication memory game, etc.)

I just didn't know if he was supposed to figure 5 x 7 and then (quickly) add an additional 2 beads per line. -OR- use some other strategy for other arrays. Does that make sense?

Again, I appreciate you help,

Re: Re: Re: entering an array on the abacus

Dear Lori,
Yes to all the above. He is supposed to use any strategy he can devise as long as he isn't counting every bead. You have suggested several ideas and that is what we want him to do too. We want him to think through how he can know for sure the answer without counting.

The games and patterns will strengthen his assurance that he "knows" the right answer and give him the fluency he needs in computation skills.

Re: Re: Re: entering an array on the abacus

I have the same question. My kids see the equation, not the answer. In Level C, Lessons 46 and on, in the warmup it states: "Enter the array...Flash it for about 3 seconds. What is the equation?" So are they supposed to know the answer in 3 seconds? Have I missed out on the way for them to do this mentally. To my knowledge, we haven't been told yet to play any multiplication games. Should I be doing that already?

Thanks for your help.