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Why geometry first and not algebra?

My fourth grade twins are ready for intermediate level. We are just finishing up level E. My question is why move into geometry first instead of algebra? My kids do not enjoy working with the tools involved in the geometry sections. I am concerned that it seems that is most of what the next book is. I don't want them to learn to dislike math. We have completed books B through E. I am considering taking a break from Right Start. Am I misinterpreting the contents of the next book? Thanks for input. Katie

Geometric Approach is Middle School Math


RightStart Mathematics; A Hands-On Geometric Approach is middle school math. Since the vast majority of middle school students are visual learners, approaching mathematics through geometry gives the student an excellent way to understand and remember concepts. The hands-on activities often create deeper learning.

This program incorporates other branches of mathematics, including arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry. Some lessons have an art flavor, for example, constructing Gothic arches. Other lessons have a scientific background, sine waves, and angles of incidence and reflection; or a technological background, creating a design for car wheels. Still other lessons are purely mathematical, Napoleon’s theorem and Archimedes stomachion. The history of mathematics is woven throughout the lessons. Several recent discoveries are discussed to give the student the perspective that mathematics is a growing discipline.

Is there are chance that your twins don't like the drawing tools and related activities because they are sometimes hard to handle? Most children enjoy the break from worksheets and enjoy this approach.

Following the Geometric Approach, the children will be ready for algebra.

Feel free to call our customer service line at 888-272-3291 Monday through Friday. Sometimes talking to someone who's teaching the curriculum to their children can be beneficial.

I hope this gives you some ideas, Katie.
