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Level C Help

I'm working with my daughter on level C and have hit some snags around lesson 19 and 21. I worked through 19 successfully by making my own worksheets with problems for her to practice more. But lesson 21 is giving me a headache. She's having trouble with mentally adding..(just read lesson 21 - it all confuses her). So I'm wondering if there are worksheets available with more problems on them for her to practice (we do have the workbook for level C but there are only so many problems). Also, if anyone has suggestions on other ways to teach this lesson? My daughter would rather add the numbers the way she learned it in lesson 19, but I realize the purpose of lesson 21 is to teach another strategy to add a little more quickly. My daughter isn't fond of math but we've had some successes this year. We take our time and work through things and try really hard to avoid tears. Help?

Re: Level C Help

Dear Dan,
Hitting snags now and then is a normal part of the learning experience. I would recommend you go to the addition section of the Math Card Games book and play some more games to strengthen her basic skills. I love the Corners game, Rows & Columns, Addition War, and the Short and Long Chain Solitaire games. The more she plays these the better her skills become and then she can do the mental addition. Sometimes parents find it helps to take a break from the lessons so their is no pressure and then the natural love of learning will return. Relax, enjoy playing together and the brain will create new synapses.

Re: Level C Help

I have heard some people like to use Math Mammoth for worksheets for extra practice. The Blue series works on specific skills.