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math balance ideas

Does anyone have ideas of games or activities to use with the math balance? My kids enjoy playing with it, but I would like to extend and expand their understanding with a few more directed games or activities. We are in level C and level B.

Molly in Los Angeles

Re: math balance ideas

Dear Molly,
Did you get a flyer with your math balance? It has more ideas too. Here is one I love to do. I will give one child each one weight. Then ask one to put one on a side and the other child has to put two on to make it balance. Then you increase a little at a time. One child puts on two and the other puts on three to make it balance. This becomes more and more complex.

Another idea is to use it before you play a game like "Go to the Dump" or "Corners" to make the combinations that make 10 and move on to the combinations that make 15.

Here is one more idea They can play a war game actually using the math balance. So they turn over two green cards and each person puts their amounts on using the math balance. They can quickly see who has the most.

Hope these help. We will see what others recommend too.