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Level E, Lesson 3

Hi. Both my son and I are stumped by the "original" Birthday magic squares at the end of Lesson 3 (Worksheet 3-1). I am pretty good at math, and I was stumped. We both understand that the birth month goes in the first square, the birthday goes in the second square, and all the columns, rows, and diagonals must equal the age. The four corners must also equal the age. I was unable to do this (as was my 9yo math whiz). Are we missing something? I am guessing it has something to do with the instruction: "The squares with lines can have any numbers." Well, then it wouldn't be a birthday square, so I don't understand the instruction. Thanks so much for helping us. I didn't see this question on the forum yet.

Re: Level E, Lesson 3

Hi Julie,

In the squares with lines, you choose what numbers you want. In the other squares, you calculate the numbers, using the rules you listed. I hope this helps.
