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Geometry Solution Page 157

OK, here's my question for the day:

The answer to question 3, "Find the ratio. Keep your answers in square root form.", is missing.

The solution page shows the formulas for finding volumes of the tetrahedron and octahedron (I'm assuming you meant to give these formulas, and that we aren't expected to already know them because they are also shown on the worksheet. I wouldn't have known them, at any rate).

My son's solution for question 3 is: square root of 2 divided by 2 times the square root of two.

This answer IS shown in the calculations for finding the volume of the cube on the right hand side of the solution page, but it's not shown as the answer to question 3.

Question 4 asks for the fraction of the cube that is empty when it is occupied by the stella octangula. This is also shown in the calculations on right hand side of the solution page (1/2), but that answer is also written after question 4.

It's obvious now that I'm at the end of the problem, but it would be helpful to have the answer consistently after the questions.

Also, my son continues to struggle with simplifying equations, for instance simplifying the square root form of the answer to question 3 to 1/2, or like the pi issue we had recently.

I have found your lessons to be very thorough, and this is the first big area I see him continue to struggle with. I feel like we missed something. I believe it was something I learned with algebra so I am hoping we'll cover it again from the ground up when we focus on algebra. If it is something kids are supposed to be grasping by his level, I am not sure how to review the basic principles with him. I just thought you might like to know this to consider adding more work with this in future editions. Or am I just worrying needlessly since he'll have plenty more math in years to come?? But it's gotten to the point where my son will tell me (in frustration) that he loves the geometry panels (he's does extremely well visualizing shapes) but he doesn't like the numbers (algebra, trig).


Re: Geometry Solution Page 157

Dear Julia,
Thanks for your input. It isn't always possible to put the answer right under the problem in order to fit it all on one page. Plus if the answer involves multiple steps the side is used so you can see the work.

As far as the rest, relax, he is way further along than most children his age if he is thinking mathematically, that is the goal. Remember in most other countries math is seen as hard work, but something everyone can do. They let their children struggle. That is part of the process necessary for growth.