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RightStart for a child w/autism?

I know RightStart is an excellant program. But is it good for a child with high functioning autism? This particular child is at a K level and has receptive/expressive language difficulties. RighStart relies heavily on talking and speaking to the child to work through problems. I feel this child will have a hard time understanding many of the things I try to say to her. I do like that it is visual...but I feel it may require too much verbal understanding and comprehension of abstract concepts.

Has anyone used this program with a high functioning autistic child...or have any advice?

Re: RightStart for a child w/autism?

Yes, this program has been used successfully with children with autism. Families drop by the RS booth routinely with great success stories. We had one child who was so severe the doctor told the parents to hope for reading, but never expect math comprehension and she surprised the doctors by how quickly she could learn using the abacus. It is logical and visual so children see how it works. Please proceed with the lessons as written and just adapt them if needed. For instance, the taps might be hard for this child to hear so demonstrate it but don't focus on it. Also requesting the child to demonstrate rather than articulate their answers will help.