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Post a message or simply read what others have written and answered. Rachel, a RightStart™ Math user and one of our customer care people, will be monitoring this forum. She will respond to your questions as needed.

Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Thank you!

This is my first year using RightStart Math, and my family is happily learning! I had grown weary trying to put in all the time our previous curriculum (Saxon) required of our 3 grade levels. It was taking twice as long as it should, because my children "didn't like math." Now, my kids are doing math for fun! I was pretty skeptical about the small amount of paperwork required, but I am amazed day by day how much repitition and reinforcement the children receive through playing the games. I have always loved math and have felt like a pretty lousy math teacher for the last several years, because I couldn't seem to pass that enthusiasm on to my kids. I think I just needed the right tools and a fresh perspective. Thanks.
-Judy Tracy, Mom to Eddie, Geometry; Matthew, Level E; and Alex, Level C

Re: Thank you!

Dear Judy,
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your appreciation. It really is a blessing to us to hear from a satisfied customer. That is the goal of our program to help children "understand, apply and enjoy mathematics." Nancy