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Have a great day and remember to play a math card game! 


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Re: Card games?

Hi Rachel,

I would not recommend Level B for your preschoolers.
I would recommend Level A Starter Kit for your preschoolers. The kit will have the decks of cards, the abacus, and the instructions, inside the teacher's lesson book, on how to play the games with them for your level.

Since Level A teaches them in such a concrete way, most of the lessons will feel like games to the child. Some lessons will use household items to work with, some games will require one of the decks of cards, but all the instructions on how to play the games and use the cards will be in the Lesson book.

The starter kit will include all the manipulatives required to make the program work well.

So to clarify, in Levels A and B, all the game instructions are found in the Lesson/teacher’s book. Level C and above the Math Card Game instructions are found in the Math Card Games Book.

In levels A and B there are many games that require more than just the decks of cards so you will be playing much more games per lesson in the lower levels. In the levels C and above you are then required to make time to play extra games 2-4times a week.

We do have a Math DVD that gives instruction for 12 math games, it comes with the Math Card Games Book, or separately for $10. Again, the Math Card Games Book would not come with the Starter Kit.

We also have a Math Card Games Kit, this is games only and no curriculum (meaning the decks of cards and the Math Card Games Book w/DVD plus a junior abacus), which reading your previous forum I don’t think is the better way to go. Your preschool son sounds like he is ready for more information. Level A will do that in a gentle and enjoyable way, in fact, we have many unschoolers using Level A, because it meets their desire to not be bogged down with formal school math, and yet it gives them guidance on where to lead their children. So I would suggest that you get Level A starter kit, and Appendices A&B and perhaps a second abacus, and start it slowly and take your time, and limit the amount of time you spend on math each session.

Remember take your time, be consistent, play the games, and please call our 888-272-3291 if you need encouragement or guidance.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics