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Thinking out of the box.

Caroline (10) had this question in a Level C lesson today:

"A certain basketball player is 6 feet, ten inches tall. How many inches tall is he?"

She stares off into the distance, and all is silent for a minute or two. Dreamily looking off to the right, she finally says, "3 days."

"What?" I asked.

"Three days," she said, abstractedly.

"Would you PLEASE pay attention?" I asked.

"Three days, ten hours."


"So that's 72....82."

I blink.

"82 hours. I mean, inches." She beams at me.

That's my daughter......

Re: Thinking out of the box.

Hysterical!!!!! She really was thinking out of the box!

Re: Thinking out of the box.

Thank you for sharing this ...this is a good story and a good reminder that sometimes we just have to pay attention to stay quiet while they are thinking "out of the box"
