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Montessori Beads

My daughter is around lesson 36 in Level B and I was thinking that the montessori beads would be a great alternative to the base ten cards. Has anyone else done this? Does it make sense?????? Thanks


Re: Montessori Beads

Hello Rachel,

Yes it is possible to do them with the Montessori beads, or even base-ten cubes. You would just have to make sure that you will have enough, as you will be using more than 9 one hundreds and will need at least 9 one thousands.

The biggest advantage to the base-ten picture cards is that it is easy for the child to handle and easy to make trades.

But it is possible to do it with the beads, but like I said you would have to have a lot more than the average set comes with.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

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RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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