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Review of fractions/percents/decimals in Level E?


We're almost done with Level D and soon to start Level E (Geometry).

It seems to me that Level D does not thoroughly cover some basic operations like adding fractions with unlike denominators, subtracting fractions with like or unlike denominators, dividing fractions, etc. Multiplying fractions is covered at the end of Level D, but not using very difficult fractions.

Also, it seems the levels don't really cover multiplying or dividing decimals where the decimal points would have to be moved.

Level E doesn't seem to have much practice either with these concepts involving fractions, decimals, percents, and conversions. My concern is spending a whole year doing Geometry, which is fun, but not mastering the basics with fractions, decimals and percents.

Am I missing something or do you recommend other review sources?

How do other families make sure these "basic" operations are mastered?


Re: Review of fractions/percents/decimals in Level E?

Sorry, I thought this message didn't get posted, so I sent another one. Also, this one I was confused on the Levels.

We are finishing Level E and starting Geometry