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Another A vs. B question


I have read the other posts about choosing between levels A and B, and I am still uncertain. I have a son who just turned 6 this month, starting his K year. He understands math concepts easily, and enjoys any and all math activities. I also have an 8.5 year old daughter who has high functioning autism. She is not a mathematical thinker, and I have held off teaching much formal mathematics with her while we focused on life and language skills. She has completed earlybird Singapore Math, and we have done some Miqon lessons using cuisennaire rods. I feel that she is developmentally ready to move on.

Would you recommend level A or B for teaching both kids at the same level? I would like to keep them together for this year, at least.


Re: Another A vs. B question

Hello Shelly,

From your personal situation that you have written, it sounds like Level A would be your best solution.

Both would benefit from the amount of manipulatives, and interaction with learning the foundations of math. They will both receive a good understanding of place value, so when they move on to Level B those lessons should go much smoother. And it will allow you to get use to teaching our program.

Please let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me directly at .

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
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Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics