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Geometry Worksheet 131-1


On the Worksheet, Problem 2-3 asks you to use the 30-60 triangle. However, the worksheet only labels the length of one side (short side = 1).

Am I forgetting something about 30-60 triangle side lengths (ex. in the 45 triangle, if side a = 1, then we know that side b = 1) or should at least two side lengths be given to be able to use the Pythagorean Theorem?

The solution sheet shows that side b = 2, and then uses the Pythagorean Theorem b squared = c squared - a squared. I understand this, but only if the length of side b is given.


Re: Geometry Worksheet 131-1

Yes, a 30-60 triangle is special; it is half of an equilateral triangle.

Joan A. Cotter, Ph.D.
RightStart Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

Re: Re: Geometry Worksheet 131-1

Aha! We can see that now. Thanks.
J & L