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Level B Worksheets


I just attended the Southeast Homeschool Expo and am thinking about purchasing this for my two boys. From the placement questions, I know they'll both need Level B. Here's my question - will I need another set of the worksheets so I have a set for each of my boys?

Also, I've been using Singapore with my oldest (he's 8) while my youngest (who's 6) has sort of just hung out with us & picked up the math his brother has been doing. Could RightStart be used as a supplement to the Singapore or should I only use one or the other?

Thanks for your help & advice!

Re: Level B Worksheets

Dear Martha,
I think using Level B with both children will be the best way to go. Yes, you will need to get a separate workbook for each child and also two abacuses so each will have his own to work with together. By teaching them both with Level B you can be sure they have a firm foundation and no gaps. I would also recommend you play lots of math games to be sure they have fluency in their basic facts. If you have any more questions, please ask. We want you to be happy with your purchase.