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Teaching 2 kids at once?

We have been using Making Math Meaningful for 3 years and are frustrated at the lack of mastery of basic math skills. So we are kind of starting over with Right Start B for my 3rd grader. I also have a 2nd grader and wonder if it is a curriculum where I could easily teach both at the same time.

Re: Teaching 2 kids at once?

Hello Jennifer,

Usually I don’t recommend teaching two children at the same time. It can be done, but the mother would need to be tuned into when one child needs more time in a lesson and the other needs to move forward.

The problem with doing two at the same time is when one is ready to move on and the other isn’t what should a mother do? Should she slow down for the sake of the slower one? Should she just keep going and hope the slow one will catch on? If we do either, are we any different then the school institutions we removed our children from?

So to clarify, it is possible, but with the greatest of care and attention to each child’s needs.
I, personally, don’t recommend doing it. I think if you just limit your time per child, you can do multiple child individually. For instance, I have three kids I limit each child 30min. That means an hour and half for me each school day. Some mothers alternate the days they teach each child.

I hope this answers your question. If you have more questions Please feel free to email me

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
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Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics

Re: Re: Teaching 2 kids at once?

Carissa, I definitely agree with you about maintaining a close watch on each child's skill development. I am experimenting a little with the 2-child concept right now & I've had to adapt my teaching style a little to make sure both of them are "getting it". But even though it means my seasoned Rightstart student gets it a little quicker than my newbie a little review is fine. Because my two are fairly compatible in math processing skills it works well for us with the following strategies (so far anyway): individual opportunities to demonstrate sequencing/skip-counting (i can see the other is mentally reviewing with the 2nd) alternating questions to individuals during majority of lessons, sometimes adding a few extra questions to make sure each one is "getting it". Doing it this way might add another 5-10 minutes but I think it will serve our purpose fairly well since each student is still getting the 1 on 1 and the other student is doing mental math. If I come to a point where spending a little extra time on a trouble area was consistently holding back the other student I do think I would opt to keep them separate to prevent any discouragement.

Re: Re: Re: Teaching 2 kids at once?

Hello Luana,

I think you are doing what I would hope others do. If you remain dilgent in watching how they are both progressing it can be done.

The problem always comes when one changes and the teacher then either gives extra care to the excelling child, or to the slower child. Not realizing what is happening.

But if you are assessing regularly if teaching two at a time is working, then I would continue. Just be careful.

It's not that it can't be done, I just find most times it is not done well. And that is it why I give a serious caution.

Hope it works out well:)
