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Help with math for dd7!!

Hello... I need some more info on where to start my daughter in this program. She just turned 7 this month and we used Saxon for K and part of 1st grade, then switched to Singapore 1A when she was still struggling. She still has problems identifying numbers when written with numerals if they are above 12. Can't seem to remember what comes before or after a certain number, or tell what numbers are bigger or smaller than a certain number when given some to choose from. She also works very, very slowly. I gave her our linking cubes and asked her to find all the ways to make 8 with 2 colors - it took her over half an hour and she still didn't have all of them. Is this normal? Should we go with level A or B?

I also have a son 3 1/2 who seems to be very advanced. He often recognizes his numerals through 15 and seems to know quantity better than his sister. Could he be started in Level A? Could I try to teach them both together?

I would appreciate any advice.


Re: Help with math for dd7!!

Hello Sharon,

I would suggest that you do Level B, and take your time! Play more games! I would suggest that you also buy the Math Card Games Book for $25 and play the games in the “Numeration” section.

Of course, I can not tell you if she is “normal” or not, but I can tell you that it is normal for many children to be confused with the numbers like 16 and call it, or write it, “sixty-one”. If she is calling a 16, something like "19," then you may want to have her vision checked, but if you are finding that all other areas she is fine and struggles with math, fear not, she needs to have a program and a teacher willing to teach to her learning style.

Most likely, she needs small amounts of time doing math, no more than 30 min. Put yourself on a timer so you don’t over do math.

She also probably needs to do math consistently, at least four times a week.

Make sure you get her mind thinking in groups of fives and tens.

Did I mention PLAY the games, even when the book does not tell you to?

When you get the program, do not plan on doing a lesson each math session. Instead, plan on taking as long as she needs to understand what she is doing. It may mean more work for you, but if you limit your time and bring plenty of games in to the program it will be much easier. Please call our customer service, if you need help with ideas or which games you should be playing, at 888-272-3291.

As far as your 3 ½ son, you could do Level A and limit your time 10-15 min about 2-3 times a week. Please, present it more as games and together time, rather than sit-down formal instruction time.

If you have more questions please email me and I will be happy to further assist you.

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math,

RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics