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puzzle numbers in level E

My 10 year old is having trouble coming up with the solution to the puzzle numbers. She works on it for 10-15 minutes and still needs hints. The 4 digit problems were o.k., but the 5 digit problems are tougher. Are the children expected to come up with more than one solution?

Re: puzzle numbers in level E

One is enough, especially if she is having trouble finding a solution. Try putting the equal sign in for her and giving her some help doing one together. Usually once they see one they can go from there.

Re: puzzle numbers in level E

Hello Renee,

Nancy is correct, one is enough.

I recommend that you show him the other ways that he could have solved it and explain to him (or have him explain to you) how they worked.

Yes, this takes more time, but it builds such a good critical thinking skills and will be helpful to him, especially in higher math, but even with the puzzles with more digits.

I always give my kids about three to five minutes to make one up, then we go over all of them, and see if there was one more we could make that was not on the page.

Thank you for writing.

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