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Geometry Worksheet 119-2

I have a question about Worksheet 119-2, Problem 18.

APET (from errata sheet) is a trapezoid with 3 shorter sides of equal length.

But the Solutions page says the reason APET is a golden trapezoid is because the 3 'longer' sides are equal. Did you mean to say the 3 'shorter' sides?

We can't read the rest of the answer (... Longer:shorter ?) because it has been hole punched. We assume it would have said 1.6.

I do see that the ratio of long:short of APET is
8:5 = 1.6.


Re: Geometry Worksheet 119-2

Dear Liam,

You are correct; I did mean to say "shorter." The rest of the answer says, "Longer:shorter = phi."

Thanks so much for writing.

Joan A. Cotter, Ph.D.
RightStart Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.