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Triangle Area Using Different Bases Lesson 72, Level E

This lesson lets the student calculate the area of two different triangles (Worksheet 80) using the three different bases of the triangles. It should not matter which base/height you use to get the area and the answers to the three different calculations for each triangle should come to the same area. However, the Teacher's Manual gives three different areas and states that they are not exactly the same but very close. I think this to be very confusing. Can anybody explain this to me?


Re: Triangle Area Using Different Bases Lesson 72, Level E

Hello Eva,

I am not sure you will like my answer, but I too had the same question. And the answer is...
because the formula is close not exact.
The lessons even have the child do all three sides so they can discover this truth too. Most programs will only have you do one side and conceal this fact; but it is true, even you research it on the internet, as I did, you will find that they are close…not exact.

There are more ways to find the area, but they much more complicated, and you child will learn some of them in the Geometric Approach. For now this is the elementary way to find the area and this is the formula used on the Standardize Test.

I hope this helped a little. Please feel free to email or call 888-272-3291 if you have more questions.

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RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics

Re: Re: Triangle Area Using Different Bases Lesson 72, Level E

Dear Carissa,

Thanks for your reply. This is an interesting piece of new information for me. It would be helpful to put such information in the teacher's manual.

