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drawing tools in level C

My 8 year old son gets very frustrated when using the t-square along with the triangle to draw vertical lines. The t-square keeps moving when he tries to get the triangle lined up - I guess it does take a bit of co-ordination. My question is this: he has asked if he could just position the t-square at the bottom of the drawing board (vertically) to draw the vertical lines. It makes sense to me, but maybe there is a reason for keeping it horizontal and using the triangle along with a horizontal t-square? Please advise... Thank you - Amy

Re: drawing tools in level C

Hello Amy,

It is important that he learns how to use the drawing tools properly whenever he uses the tools. You may want to sit next to him and help him hold his T-square still while he is measuring, or setting up the shapes-I have had to do many times with my younger ones.

With that said this is also not a trial in "how much can we irritate our children." So if it is too much for both of you, then I say let him "cheat every now and then to let him move on, but remind him that he will need to do it the proper way, because in the higher Geometric problems being accurate makes a difference and if you are using different starting points (vertical vs. horizontal) then your answers will not always line up.

To clarify, as a math advisor I say "Keep helping him to do it properly." Even if that means you are sitting there holding the edge until he develops the coordination and motor skills it takes to do it.

As a homeschooling mother, who does not enjoy futile processes when my children are not fully ready to do it, I say, do what is comfortable, with clarification that this is not the proper way, but that he will do the proper way when he is more ready.

Fear not, they do get it as they practice more.
So always have him try the correct way first and go from there.

I hope this answers your question. Please feel free to email or call 888-272-3291 if you have more questions.

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math!
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RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

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Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics

Re: Re: drawing tools in level C

Thank you for your answer. That's pretty much what we've been doing - I'll hold the t-square steady while he lines up the triangle and draws the line. I really appreciate YOU saying that it is important to use the tools correctly though - it is somehow more "official" coming from the "people who wrote the book" - now my son knows that it is important to stick with using the t-square the proper way, even if we don't see the reason for it now. Thanks again - Amy