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Re: after Right Start?


It's fun and sometimes overwhelming to look ahead at what is next.

I look at the Geometric Approach as using the drawing board and related tools in teaching as the AL Abacus and all of the manipulatives are used in teaching Levels A - E.

I am just finishing up Level E with my 4th grade daughter. For 5th/6th grade I will be using the Geometric Approach that you referred to. About half way through the lessons (about lesson 80) I will begin using VideoText ( Module A (pre-algebra) a few times each week which is a recommended way to go by RS.

I will probably either alternate between the Geometric Approach and VideoText (VT) or do 3-4 lessons of Geometric Approach and then 1-2 lessons of VT. The foundation that has been laid with RS should easily prepare a child for this approach. Then I plan on continuing to use VideoText.

I hope this helps!


Re: after Right Start?


I agree with John.

After Level E you should do RightStart™ Mathematics: A Hands-On Geometric Approach (Geo App).

It will take a longer than a school year to complete (at least a 1 ½ years). It is not Geometry, though it has many of its elements. It is using the child's math skills they have acquired in the previous levels and now are putting them into useful functions.

For example, instead of doing worksheets to work on multiplying decimals, the child will find the area of a rectangle that is 5.2 by 3.2, and of course you have to multiply. This allows the child to gain experience and meaning for math all at the same time.

Personally, I have been doing the Geo App exclusively with my oldest child and have found that he is utilizing every math skill from basic functions to critical thinking to algebraic operations. I had tried to add in another program and found it to disruptive for us, so we have stayed with the Geo App. The only thing I have felt that it lacks is long division (even though it is taught in Level E but not reviewed in Geo App) and that is a simple fix with giving my son two long division problems each week.

We are about two months from being done and will start VideoText Module A in August.

So, I hope to encourage you that the Geo App is not only geometry but is a useful way for your child to see that math is functional and useful.

Please feel free to email or call 888-272-3291 if you have more questions.

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math!
Customer Service Rep
RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics

Re: after Right Start?

In addition I plan on using Multivides (worked with Multivides in Level E) each week to keep multiplication and division fresh and to use some of the more advanced games from the Math Card Games book.


Re: Re: after Right Start?

Thanx for the helps! I guess VideoText is the way to go after RS.