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How to get ready for A when I have C

I just bought the starter kit for Level C. I'd like to do your program with my dd(4) either this year or next. What do I need to buy to start Level A and not duplicate what I just bought? Thanks!

Re: How to get ready for A when I have C

Hello Kelly,

Here is what you will need.

Level A Lessons $45
Level A Worksheets $5
Geoboards $10
Tally Sticks $1(if you have apprx. 75 Popsicle sticks then you don't have to buy this)
Yellow is the Sun CD $2.50
Geometry Reflector $5

Optional not required, is the Appendix A&B $10
Optional not required, is the Geometric Solids $15
Optional not required, is the Math Balance $20

I find that most parents like to add on the Appendix for A&B, and many will buy the Geo. Solids, rarely does one buy the Math Balance.

One last comment, you may want to consider getting an extra abacus, as I have three children and have benefited from having two, but never have felt the need for three abaci.

Please feel free to email or call 888-272-3291 if you have more questions.

Thank you for giving your child a RightStart in Math!
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RightStart™ Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc.

For program questions: 888.272.3291
To place an order: 888.RS.5.MATH (888.775.6284)

Our Mission: To help children understand, apply, and enjoy mathematics