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Geometry Lesson 113 / Worksheet 113-1

Lesson 113 / Worksheet 113-1

I have a question about the instructions:

The instructions in the lesson say to draw the second and third iterations of the Cotter Tens Fractal on the first worksheet.

The directions on the first worksheet say to draw and shade iterations one and two.

The worksheet depicts an already completed Iteration 1 and a space to draw Iteration 2 only. There is no space marked off to draw Iteration 3.

The solutions page shows Iteration 1 as it is drawn on the worksheet, and Iteration 2 is completed like it is shown in the lesson.

I am assuming that you just wanted me to draw Iteration 2 on Worksheet 1, and not Iteration 1 (since it is already done), or Iteration 3 (since there is no space for it). Is this correct?


Re: Geometry Lesson 113 / Worksheet 113-1

Dear Liam,

Thanks so much for pointing this out. The Lesson should have said "first and second iterations." The worksheet accidentally showed the answer for the first iteration. I will correct both errors right away. Thanks again.

Joan A. Cotter