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Level A or B and then some

I have an 8yo boy who has struggled with math mainly because I have not been consistent with one plan or program for more than a week or two at a time. :( He is beginning to get some rote facts from seeing problems on video or computer math games, but I don't get the sense he really understands. He is beginning to count forward in a number line fashion to arrive at a number, but hesitates when adding +1 or +2. He has a block against doing place value from another program. I really need to reprogram him to enjoy math. He likes a couple board games I have purchased for math (money and addition) and he loves computer-based math. He also likes the format of Saxon 1, but I don't think he is internalizing -- just filling in the blanks. I think he likes it because it's easy for him to do that. So I guess I have a number of questions. Will he enjoy RightStart and should we start in Level A or B? I am going to start my 5yo in A. Also, do I need the math games book or are the games included in the lessons? Thanks for any help. Allison

Re: Level A or B and then some

Hello Allison,

Yes I think think this program will help him.
I can not answer if he would like this program. I know that my three kids and thousands of other kids love this program.
Where to place him depends on he math competency, but from what you wrote it sounds like he needs Level B.
your 5yo can do Level A.
I highly recommend the Math Card Games Book. It is a source of many learning tools.

I strongly recommmend that you call our customer service at 888-272-3291
They can better pin point your needs.

If you call on Monday I will be answering phones and happy to help.

Thank you,
Customer Service Rep.