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Re: Re: level B, side 2, Trading

I need some clarification on page 93 (lesson 46) for Level B. The written text is confusing to me.

"show him also how to find the answer on side 2." Is this done by using two separate abacus', the 1st one with the stairs, the 2nd one on side 2 starting at square 1?

I'm also fuzzy on what do with the columns between the different place values on side 2. Is there somewhere that explains this more.

Thank you.


Re: Re: Re: level B, side 2, Trading

First of all, I am not an official rightstart rep, just a parent using rightstart.

You can either use a second abacus or erase side one, and proceed to do the problem on side 2.

As far as the columns between the place values on side 2, you don't really have to "do" anything with them. They are mostly there just to give a little space between the different units (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.)

Hope that helps some.


Re: level B, side 2, Trading

Thanks Lisa.

After reading a few things on the forum, it became clearer to me.

thanks for taking the time to reply.
