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left or right hand - level B

We're just starting but I don't want to start off on the wrong foot - or hand as the case may be.

Lesson 1 says to teach "Yellow is the Sun" and the child shows 5 with her left hand. Then in the Note Box later in the lesson it says that the left hand is used to show numbers less than 5. The picture must be showing the child facing the teacher because it shows the hand on the left (lesson 3) but it just further confuses me but the pictures show the left hand with 5...

So why is the song instructions the opposite of the rest of the instructions??


Re: left or right hand - level B

Good question. The assumption is that you are facing your child in which case you do hold the right hand up with the 5 and the left with numbers less than 5. If, however, you are sitting next to your child than you would hold up the left hand with all five fingers and the right hand with the quantity less than 5. This is to mimic how we read, from left to right.

Please feel free to post, email or call with any other questions you may have or to continue this conversation if I have not explained myself completely.

Thanks for giving your child a RightStart in math.

Sincerely, Rosine