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Re: Level C, Lesson 73

Dear Anne Marie,
Thanks for posting. You are right, there are six rhombuses in the figure if you count the three small ones and the three larger ones. Thanks for sharing that find! I will pass it on to Joan. However, I am not seeing the typo you refer to with the question "Are these parallelograms?" Can you be more specific? Perhaps it has been corrected already in my version.

Where to find the correction page.

Hi Anne Marie,

As Nancy said, thank you for sharing with us corrections. Please know that corrections can also be sent to where they are sure to be seen by Dr. Cotter and checked immediately and corrected.

Also please no that for level C you can find corrections at

You will notice that the corrections are listed by date revised. When looking for the actual lesson use your find or search and type in the lesson you are looking for.

For corrections for other levels you need to go to the homeschool page and in the bottom paragraph you can click on corrections and then go to the level you are looking for.

You will notice near the bottom of the first page of the link I gave you your answer to your question regarding parallelograms is on there. RightStat continues to update and correct any errors that are brought to our attention.

Thanks again for posting.


Re: Where to find the correction page.

Thank you so much Nancy and Rosine! My son and I appreciate your time and information.
We are continuing to really enjoy the program; it's my son's favorite subject, and I really enjoy doing the lessons with him!
Thank you,
Anne Marie Gray