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We've been zooming along in the Lesson B book and I've been amazed at my son's abilities (and my improving math skills) to add with all the various strategies given.

We are now at Lesson 80 and it seems that he has forgotten everything. He is overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated. Here's our problem; hope this makes sense:

When I suggested that he add 49 + 49 as 50 + 50 (and then "go back 2") he did not catch on at all. Even when I made the problem simpler with things he'd already been doing easily (like with 8 + 7, you
could take 2 from the 7 to make the 8 into a 10, and then the 7 becomes a 5). With 49 + 49 he wants to take each 1 from one of the numbers . . . he can't quite grab the concept of taking 2 from "no where." Now he is even confusing the ones and tens place when borrowing/subtracting a number. Ahhhh! I guess I should have said that we are both frustrated.

We've been on Worksheet 31 for over 3 days now. Suggestions? Stay put here for awhile? Move on? Any specific games that would help out?

Re: stuck!

Dear Lori,

Thank you for your post. The best advice I have for you is to take a few days off from math and give your son's brain some time to assimilate all that he has learned up to this point. Take time to kick back and play some math games. I'd suggest that you play the corners game. This is a gentle way to watch how he adds without working him too hard on a lesson.

Also, note that subtracting is a hard concept for the young child that is why RightStart teaches addition first followed by multiplication. After taking some time off go back and use the make ten strategy for solving equations with 8's and 9's. Also, always remember to use the abacus to solve equations if there are ever questions on how to get an answer. The most important thing in RS is to have children use the abacus as much as they need too. Children will know when they don't need to use it.

I hope this begins to answer your questions. Do feel free to email, call or post any other questions you might have or to continue this conversation.

Thanks for giving your son a RightStart in math.

Sincerely, Rosine