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Re: mentally adding

I find I have to balance it for Caroline, who has some auditory processing issues. I repeat two or three times for most questions, and then sometimes I give her a break and write them on the whiteboard. I like to stretch her a little bit to receive information orally, but I don't like to exhaust her, and she does find it very tiring to focus that hard. She has no trouble with listening to stories or things like that, but when she has to ACT on my words, and in a "foreign language," like math, it gets stressful for her after a few rounds.

I don't know what the official answer is, but I know when something's too hard for my girl to cope with, and that's one of the reasons I homeschool.

Re: Re: mentally adding

I have the same question and will be checking back for the "official" answer!

I also usually write the 'oral' problems and have my sons use them as a visual reference while they do the problem 'in their heads.'

Re: Re: Re: mentally adding

I'm anxious to see this response. We are around lesson 80 in level B and orally she struggles. If I give her a RS worksheet she flies with 100 percent accuracy. She still does the work in her head. I notice that when I ask her questions, she repeats the last part of the question before she can answer, takes 5-10 seconds to respond and then not accurately. I feel that this is her learning style and oral questions are a challenge for her.