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recognizing quantities of 5

Hi! I just started RS A with my daughter who just turned 5. We're only on lesson 3, but so far we are loving it.

My questions revolve mainly about recognizing 5. My daughter easily recognizes numbers 1 through 4 with tally sticks, objects, hand. But recognizing 5 objects without counting is still a work in progress. Recognizing 5 with the hand is easy, right off the bat she says 5. It's just the objects lined up in a row that she still hesitates a little on. I'm totally fine taking it slow.

My question is--- should I continue with the practice of recognizing objects 1-5,and not move forward with the lesson until she "gets" it? Does she need to completely master this before moving on? I'm afraid of boring her and frustrating her, and since this is all new to me, I'm not sure if this just comes together as we go.

A related question---when I presented the special way to show 5 using the tally sticks, that threw her initially. she wanted to see it as "4 sticks". I worked it with her, explaining that the quantity is 5, but we're going to use this as a means of being able to recognize 5 without counting. Any advice? Am I on the right track?

Last question--- when using objects to recognize numbers, right now I'm using things that are all the same. like counters, bean bags, counting bears, etc. Is that preferable, or should the objects be each different when I lay them out?

Thanks for your help. Muriel

Re: recognizing quantities of 5

Dear Muriel,

Thanks for your post. Yes, if your daughter recognizes 5 on her hand and on the abacus then move on. Also, you can use the same objects or 5 different. From what you are writing I think you are doing a fine job. Remember, when you read the objectives take note if it says introduce or master. Many concepts in Level B are being introduced initially and will come back to be mastered. Often when you move forward three lessons then the previous lesson will fall into place. So, in essence you answered your own questions.

Do feel free to email, post or call with any other questions you might have.

Sincerely, Rosine

Re: Re: recognizing quantities of 5

Thank you so much! Great advice and reassurance. Much appreciate your response back.