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Re: Re: Question About Using RightStart with One-Handed Child

Dear Rosine,

Thank you so much for your thoughtful messgage! I just knew RightStart was the "right" place. Since my son is still struggling to memorize addition facts, I've gone ahead and ordered instructions, worksheets, and manipulatives for Levels B & C. I'm going to take your advice however, and start out with games rather than formal lessons. Knowing we would soon be switching curriculums, I decided to take a break from math this past week and my son is like a different kid. In fact, this morning during science, he had a math question (9 planets divided by the 5 ceiling fan blades on which we're building our solar system model)and he began figuring it out all on his own! I know it doesn't sound like much, but this is the first time he has done anything math related that wasn't met with loud groans and lots of resistance. I don't know if he even recognized that he was "doing" math. He is a very visual learner which is why I think RightStart will be such a good fit for him.

As soon as we receive our materials I'll be sure to let you know if I have any questions and/or to fill you in on our progress.

Thanks again for your thoughtful reply,
Shanan Anthony

Great news! :)

Thanks for your post. Are you kidding? It sounds like quite a bit for him to be using math outside of the math lesson. And, that's exactly what RS is about....It's about being able to apply mathematics to real life situations. What a great story! I appreciate you sharing that on the board.

Sounds like you're off to a good start. Do keep us posted and feel free to post, call or email with any questions you might have.

Sincerely, Rosine