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Geometry section

Would you consider making a geometry area of your site, where we can go to check corrections or posted questions by lesson number? Right now if we have a question, we need to scroll through a lot of posts before we find an answer. The correction page would be easier to read if it were also organized by lesson number. Just a thought!

Re: Geometry section

Dear Sherri,

Thank you for your post. I have forwarded your request on to the RS team. Discussion of this will take place regarding your requests.

As far as what to do now, under corrections instead of having to scroll through all of the different corrections you can use your find feature putting in the lesson number. As you probably know but just in case, on a mac. you press Apple F, or go under Edit, then down to Find.

Also, on the forum you can use the find feature and put in Geometry or Geometric and the posts come up. Again, not in lesson order, but grouped together.

I hope this helps. Thanks for your posts and ideas.

Sincerely, Rosine