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req for transition lessons


We have an 11 yo daughter who is struggling with multiplication. She was in private school through 2nd grade, and we had to start over with her math concepts as the touch math she was using had her counting all the time. We have been through two different curriculums and have not found one that is a 'best' fit for our family and her learning style. I am hopeful RightStart curriculum will help her understanding of mulitplication and mathematics as a whole.

I am going to order the transition lessons, but have a question about the requirements. The price sheet lists the game cards as required, but the detailed chart does not. Will I need the game cards with the transition lessons?

Thanks so much!


Re: req for transition lessons

Dear Cathy,

Thank you for your post. RightStart will provide the visual cues, which will help your daughter "see" how numbers work together. This will take a little time since she has been working with touch math for a few years. You will need to remind her and help her "see" the abacus in her head.

Yes, you will need the game cards with the transition lessons as well as the game book. I would suggest that you consider purchasing the transition book, place value cards, abacus tiles, colored tiles, math balance and the math card game kit with an upgrade to the standard abacus. This upgrade will cost $60 instead of $50 and will give you a standard size plastic abacus instead of the junior plastic abacus. I recommend the standard size abacus. Having these RS items will give you a good start in the RS curriculum. Moving through the transition book with help you get familiar with the format of RS. Do remember that the transition book is exactly what it states, meaning there is an assumption that these are not new concepts, but concepts that have already been presented to your daughter, only now these concepts will be presented with the philosophy of RS and being able to "see", "visualize" quantities using the abacus. Playing the math card games is very important. Games are to math as books are to reading. The game kit is something you can use with any curriculum and is an integral part of the RS curriculum.

The only other item you may want to consider is the math balance. This is used in two lessons of the transition book, however, it is not required since it is only used twice. However, there are activities listed with the balance that your daughter could certainly benefit from. The balance is yet another visual manipulative that will help your daughter "see" math.

I hope this helps. Please do feel free to email, call or post any other questions you have or to continue this conversation.

Thank you for looking to give your daughter a RightStart in math.

Sincerely, Rosine

Re: req for transition lessons

Hi Rosine,

I have a question about the upgrade to the standard abacus that you recommended. I could not find an option to upgrade the abacus with the math card game kit on the RS website. Can you please point me in the right direction?

Thanks again for your help!!


Re: Re: req for transition lessons

Hi Cathie,

You're right, it's not on the website so you'll have to call in on the 888-272-3291 customer service line and place your order to get the upgrade. Otherwise you can ask for the upgrade in the comment space within the website order.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Sincerely, Rosine