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Re: beyond RS

Hi Julie,

You're question is the most frequently asked question these days. Here are a few different options to consider.

A) Work through the RightStart Intermediate Math: A Geometric Approach.

B) Work through the first 80 lessons of RightStart Intermediate Math: A Geometric Approach. At lesson 80 start working through one lesson a week of Videotext Algebra module A. You can purchase this through Videotext found at (Videotext teaches math with the same philosophy as RightStart. Teaches for understanding using visual graphics. Teaches global concepts that are applied to specifics and other philosophical comparisons too numerous to mention here. (This is the one Dr. Cotter recommends.)

C) Do option A or B along with making sure to play the higher level Math Card Games, such as the fractions, division and multiplication games.

D) Do option A and C or do options B and C along with bringing in some of the Level E reviews.

After completion of the RightStart Intermediate Math: A Geometric Approach, and Videotext Algebra Module A (this could take approximately 2 years of so) move into completing the rest of Videotext Algebra, which is a two year course. Follow this with Videotext Geometry which includes trigonometry and pre-calculus concepts. After this Tom Clark, who is the developer of Videotext encourages parents to have their children take calculus as a post secondary course.

You are also welcome to put in a consumer math course within all of these math courses. I did that with my older children between Alg. and Geometry. It only took a half a year.

I hope this makes sense. Do feel free to email, post or call with any questions you may have.

Thank you for giving your children a RightStart in math.


An added comment.

The options given in the previous post are options for consideration as we wait for the completion of the 2nd RightStart Intermediate: An Algebraic Approach to be written. Once this is written a student will work through both intermediate texts, which will take about 2 years and then move into Videotext Alg. and Videotext Geometry followed by college Calculus.

Until then the options I gave in the previous post are things for us who are homeschooling our children in math to consider. As many of us know, once you are teaching RightStart we want to continue to teach our children with the RightStart way of math.

Please do give us a call at customer service or post or email any of your questions.


Re: An added comment.

Thank you for your response. I most certainly would like to continue with the RS approach as my daughter is excelling in math. I believe that it is in part due to a natural aptitude, but this approach resonates with her so well.

When will the Intermediate Algebra module be completed?

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Replying to:

The options given in the previous post are options for consideration as we wait for the completion of the 2nd RightStart Intermediate: An Algebraic Approach to be written. Once this is written a student will work through both intermediate texts, which will take about 2 years and then move into Videotext Alg. and Videotext Geometry followed by college Calculus.

Until then the options I gave in the previous post are things for us who are homeschooling our children in math to consider. As many of us know, once you are teaching RightStart we want to continue to teach our children with the RightStart way of math.

Please do give us a call at customer service or post or email any of your questions.


Re: Re: An added comment.

Dear Julie,

I wish I could answer when the intermediate curriculum will be complete, but I can not. There are many factors that go into this so all I can say is that Dr. Cotter is continually working on these texts. I can tell you that it will not be by next fall.

I'm sorry I can't give you a better answer than this.
