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What level should I start my son?

This is our 1st year of homeschooling. My son is 12 yo and was in 6th grade last year. However, he did not pass all of his core subjects (hence homeschooling). Math is one of his stronger subjects, but he definitely had problems with fractions, decimals, and percents. He still does not consistently know all of his multiplication tables nor his addition/subtraction facts. I found out about RightStart from the GA homeschool conference last week and like it much better than MUS because of the variety of manipulatives and the math card games. My son is a kinesthetic learns and loves to play games.

Here is my question. I would like to make sure that my son knows his math cold. So I would like to take him through the E level. From the table of contents, it looks like it would cover all of the topics. Also, we would do the transition lessons. What do you think? Does this sound like a good place to start?

Level E

Dear Maggie,

Sounds to me you've investigated your options and have come up with a good plan. Be sure to make good use of the math card games. Through these games your son will become more confident with his understanding of math as well as he math facts.

Let us know how it goes and as always, feel free to post, email or call with any questions you might have.

Sincerely, Rosine

Re: What level should I start my son?

I was wondering if you went thru with this plan and if it worked for your son. I have a son in the exact same place. Blessings